9U-19U Boys Travel Soccer League Twin Cities - Salvo Soccer Club

Travel 9U-19U (Boys)

Boys Travel Soccer Teams

Does your young soccer enthusiast aspire to more rigorous and competitive environments? The Salvo SC Boys Travel soccer program could be the perfect fit! This program, designed for boys aged between 9 and 19, not only provides top-notch training by dedicated and experienced coaches but also encourages comprehensive personal development. Plus, it offers the flexibility to accommodate your family’s busy schedule.

Boys Youth Travel Soccer Overview

In the Salvo SC Boys Travel soccer program, players meet three times a week in the fall and/or summer seasons. Families decide which season(s) to participate in within the travel program and have the option to get additional training in our winter soccer school.

Players work with our highly-trained Salvo SC staff and play in the Twin Cities Soccer League. This boys youth soccer league is a great way to enhance soccer techniques, make new friends, and play more competitively within your community. Or use it as a jumping-off point to advance your soccer talents into our High Performance leagues.

How to Join Our Travel Soccer Program

In order to participate in our boys Travel soccer program, all players should attend one of our Player ID sessions. Player ID is like tryouts and occurs two times per year, once in mid/late July for players 9U-19U and again in late October/early November for players 9U-10U. This session allows our coaches to assess players’ skills and strengths on the field and match them with an appropriate team.

Player ID Registration Info
IconTravel Teams

Teams are formed in July and October based on the Player ID sessions. A player’s Travel team is also based on their community location, school, and if they have any friend requests.

Please click the links below to learn more about team expectations for the upcoming season!

Boys Teams 9U-12U Boys Teams 13U+

IconPractice & Game Locations

Travel teams practice within your community: Woodbury, Rosemount/Farmington, or Mendota Heights. Games are played within a 30-mile radius or less. More specific locations are determined at the start of the season and will be sent to you by your coach.

IconFees for Boys Travel Soccer

Salvo SC pricing structures are broken into two types of fees: Club fees and Team fees. Please note that each family pays both Club fees and Team fees associated with the team they are placed on after Player ID. Club fees are fixed, but Team fees are estimated based on expected plans for each team. If all Team fees collected are not used, they will be refunded to team families (similarly, if the team decides to add extra events, Team fees can increase).

Club fees cover league registration, fields and referees for games, coach/staff fees, and indoor training. Team fees cover event registration and coach travel. The Team fee DOES NOT include player travel or uniform costs.

9U $400 $54 $710 $170
10U $400 $54 $710 $170
11U $400 $50 $725 $167
12U $400 $50 $725 $167
13U $325 $42 $790 $140
14U $325 $42 $790 $140
15U $325 $42 $790 $140
16U - - $790 $140
17U - - $790 $140
18U/19U - - $790 $140
IconFinancial Assistance

It is the mission of Salvo SC to provide financial aid to players in need. See our Financial Aid page for more details on how to qualify for aid and how to apply.


Check out our Resources page for more specific information for parents, players, FAQs, and more.

Register for a Chance to Play on a Salvo SC Travel Team

If your child is ready to take on more competition and build lasting soccer skills, friendships, and more, start the process of joining a Salvo SC Travel team! Fill out our Interest Form to show your interest, and our staff will walk you through the next steps. If you have any questions, contact Jeff Seifert for soccer questions, or Tara Rasmussen for registration questions.

Complete Interest Form


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